D1.1 |
Katalizörler ve reaktörler için gereklilik içeren ön işlem akış şeması |
D1.2 |
Identified benchmark catalysts and technologies |
D1.3 |
Preliminary process flowsheet with associated Heat and Mass balance |
D1.4 |
Basic Design Package (1st release) |
D1.5 |
Investment and Operating Costs preliminary estimation (1st release) |
D1.6 |
Preliminary Techno-economic assessment (1st release) |
D1.7 |
Detailed process flowsheet with associated Heat &Material Balances (Final release) |
D1.8 |
Basic Design Package (Final release) |
D1.9 |
Investment and Operating Costs final estimation (Final release) |
D1.10 |
Final Techno-economic assessment (Final release) |
D2.1 |
Synthesis of meso-zeolites (I) |
D2.2 |
Synthesis of single site based catalysts (I) |
D2.3 |
Synthesis of nano-catalysts (I) |
D2.4 |
Fundamental understanding (I) |
D2.5 |
Synthesis of meso-zeolites (II) |
D2.6 |
Synthesis of single site based catalysts (II) |
D2.7 |
Synthesis of nano-catalysts (II) |
D2.8 |
Fundamental understanding (II) |
D3.1 |
Preliminary tests on propane dehydrogenation |
D3.2 |
Preliminary tests on butane or butenes dehydrogenation |
D3.3 |
Preliminary tests on aromatization |
D3.4 |
High throughput testing (I) |
D3.5 |
Testing in membrane reactors |
D3.6 |
Catalyst resistances towards poisons and catalytic performance under real refinery feeds |
D3.7 |
Final tests on propane dehydrogenation |
D3.8 |
Final tests on butane or butenes dehydrogenation |
D3.9 |
Final tests on aromatization |
D3.10 |
High throughput testing (II) |
D3.11 |
Testing in membrane reactors (I) |
D3.12 |
Testing in membrane reactors (II) |
D3.13 |
Catalyst resistances towards poisons and catalytic performance under real refinery feeds |
D3.14 |
Catalyst resistances towards poisons and catalytic performance under real refinery feeds |
D4.1 |
Catalytic atom-scale chemical micro-kinetics descriptions. |
D4.2 |
Catalytic multi-scale reactor model descriptions. |
D4.3 |
Reactor and process scale-up description |
D4.4 |
Catalyst scale-up description. |
D4.5 |
Report on technology demonstration campaigns for each optimised process |
D5.1 |
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) report |
D5.2 |
Hazard and Operability (Hazop) Report of the industrial processes |
D5.3 |
Human Health Risk Assessment and Environmental Risk Assessment |
D5.4 |
Report of assessment of the project technologies impact in ENP countries |
D6.1 |
Project website |
D6.2 |
Data management plan |
D6.3 |
Plan for the dissemination and communication of results |
D6.4 |
Public communication materials |
D6.5 |
IPR Management and exploitation plans |
D6.6 |
Start-up Business plan |
D6.7 |
Innovation Management report |
D6.8 |
Final IPR Management and exploitation plans including business plan |
D6.9 |
Final communication materials |
D6.10 |
Report on standarization landscape and applicable standards |
D6.11 |
Report on the contribution to standardization |
D6.12 |
BIZEOLCAT market study |
D7.1 |
Project administration toolset |
D7.2 |
Project quality plan |
D7.3 |
First risk management report |
D7.4 |
Second risk management report |